Simplification is Our Innovation

Hands-on Innovation at Radiall

October 2019

At Radiall, we are dedicated to innovation in our solutions, processes, products and all that we do. One way that we pursue and promote innovation is through a FabLab (fabrication laboratory) at our Centr'Alp site. 

Established in 2017, the FabLab at Centr'Alp is a space that encourages creativity and collaboration. The laboratory invites employees to get their hands dirty, test ideas and bring those ideas to life.

A Look Into Radiall’s FabLab

One of the highlights and main attractions of our FabLab is the 3D printers. Radiall employees have experimented with 3D printers since 2008, but the printers in the FabLab are newer models capable of creating much more complex objects. Teams use the 3D printers to develop technical models to test new product lines, such as the OCTIS concept. They also print functional prototypes (mini RF antennas, a 6-switch matrix, etc.) and various tools, such as an encoding key for the QR and a multiple-contact ARINC mask. (Learn how 3D printing technology works.)

This saves product development teams a significant amount of time, as they can conduct tests very quickly by printing prototypes on site. Furthermore, 3D printing decreases the overall time between the design phase and the production phase. 3D printing can also help teams envision small production runs, which could open up new markets for Radiall. 

But the FabLab is dedicated to much more than 3D printing; there is also a 3D scanner, a mechanical area with tools, welding equipment, a microscope and a space for photography. Nearly 80 Radiall employees use the FabLab regularly, and 270 projects emerge from it every year. Employees enjoy interacting and collaborating with colleagues who work on different projects but share a passion for innovation and experimenting with new ideas.

  • "It is very rewarding to interact with colleagues who work on completely different problems, as we are all focused on innovation and seeking out new ideas." — Jérémy, R&T Team Manager at Centr'Alp

We are excited to see the products and solutions that will come to life in our FabLab next. Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn to keep up with our latest innovations!