General Privacy Information
This website is operated by the company Radiall SA, with a capital of € 2.477.474,37 registered under number RCS Bobigny 552 124 984, whose registered office is located at 25 Rue Madeleine Vionnet, 93300 Aubervilliers and represented by its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Pierre Gattaz.
T: +1 (480) 682-9400
This website provides information about the company and its products, including but not limited to technical data, product videos, and search tools to match customers with appropriate products.
410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109
E: (rep: Carly Wild)
- Proprietary Photography & Illustrations: Radiall, SA
- Stock Photography: Getty Images, Inc. and Thinkstock
- Stock Illustrations: Getty Images, Inc. and Thinkstock
Radiall trademarks and logos are protected. Using them outside of Radiall, for any purpose is strictly prohibited unless authorized by Radiall SA in writing. Any unauthorized use will lead to prosecution. For any request to use Radiall trademarks and logos, please contact
Personal Data
The personal data processor is Radiall SA with a capital of 2.648.025,67€ registered under number RCS BOBIGNY B. 552 124 984, with its registered office located at 25 Rue Madeleine Vionnet, 93300 Aubervilliers and represented by Mister Pierre Gattaz, as Chairman of the Executive Committee.
Data is collected to gain access to the website and is necessary to create an online account and access certain content: newsletter registration, technical product data, supply chain information and distribution information.
Radiall Group processes your personal data based on the following legal basis: (i) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are included in or the performance of your request (in particular when you request to be contacted), (ii) processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Radiall Group; (iii) processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Radiall Group is subject; and (iv) if required, based on your consent.
While using the website and/or creating an online account, the following personal data may be collected: full name, address, email address, phone number, username, password, company name, contact details and position in the company. Only authorized persons at Radiall Group will have access to personal data and third parties called on by the data controller.
Radiall Group stores personal data during the validity period of your account and for five years following the last activity recorded on the account.
In accordance with the applicable laws regarding personal data protection, you have the right to access, correct, limit and delete your data by contacting Radiall by email with your full name, address, contact information and a copy of valid identification to:
You may withdraw your consent at any time or refuse to provide your personal data, which might alter your use of the website and your access to some content (newsletters, technical information, etc.). If needed, you can file a complaint before the CNIL or government authority.
Banner Cookies
This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience, and by browsing this site, you are accepting the receipt of cookies on your browser from this site. To manage use of cookies, please refer to your browser settings.
Cookies Information
The website uses cookies, under the control of third parties, which are subject to your consent. These cookies are used to measure the audience of the website.
The following lists the cookies under the control of third parties that are subject to consent.
- Cookies: Google analytics
- Objective: measure the audience of the website
- Period of validity: From 3 to 48 months depending on the users browser settings
- Third party responsible: Google
- Settings: Specific to the users browser
You can manage the use of cookies through your browser settings or contacting the concerned third party.
The use of tracers is ruled by Article 32 II of Law No 78-17 of 6 January 1978, transposing Article 5.3 of Directive 2002/58 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 as amended by Directive 2009/136 / EC.
To find out more about cookies and tracers, we invite you to consult the CNIL website:
In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, you have the right to access and correct information related to you. In order to exercise your rights, contact: (subject line: PERSONAL INFORMATION).