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Financial News

  • 2016 Half-Year Financial Report (French version) is available online here.


Press release 13 January 2016 – 5:45 pm

7.0% growth in 2016 sales


Consolidated sales (€ millions) 2016 2015 % change
1st quarter 79.0 77.2 +2.3%
2nd quarter 76.5 70.1 +9.2%
3rd quarter 76.6 69.6 +10.1%
4th quarter 78.1 73.1 +6.8%
Total  310.2** 289.9* +7.0%

*including sales of €2.7 million generated by Van-System since 1 August 2015
**including sales of €7.8 million generated by Van-System since 1 January 2016

4th quarter 2016: Sales growth of 6.8% 

Radiall recorded sales of €78.1 million for the fourth quarter of its 2016 financial year, an increase of 6.8% compared with the fourth quarter of the previous financial year. On a like-for-like basis, sales for the period grew by 6.3% compared to 2015, due to a positive exchange rate effect. Fourth quarter growth benefited from the excellent performance of all Group markets, in particular Telecoms and Civil Aeronautics, with the exception of Space.

Full-year sales totalled €310.2 million, an increase of 7.0% compared with 2015.
On a like-for-like basis, sales grew by 5.6%.

All business segments have posted growth since the start of the year with the exception of Space, with Telecoms posting the strongest growth, achieving a similar performance to 2014. Civil Aeronautics, the Group’s main business, was as robust as ever and the Defence segment maintained its positive trend. The Industrial sector, which benefited from the consolidation over twelve months of the Van-System business compared with five months in 2015, achieved significant growth.

Radiall posted a good sales performance in France while maintaining its strong presence on international markets, which accounted for 87.6% of 2016 sales.


2016 earnings trend

The positive sales trend seen in the second half-year should enable Radiall to achieve a level of operating profitability close to that reported for the first half of the financial year.


Next communication: 2016 Annual Results - 23 March 2017.

About Radiall 

RADIALL designs, develops and manufactures interconnection components dedicated to high-reliability electronic applications, wireless communications, and military and aeronautic equipment.

ISIN: FR0000050320 – Eurolist B – NYSE Euronext.

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Guy de Royer
Tel: +33(0)1 49 35 35 51

Gilles Broquelet
Tel: +33(0)1 80 81 50 00